Stahl describes his out-of-control behavior to get drugs, such as driving at midnight from his luxury home in Los Angeles to the worst neighborhoods in the city with his daughter in her car seat. At Port St. Lucie Hospital, we specialize in individualized, holistic therapies that address the whole person. Our programs extend beyond mental illness treatment to detox and dual diagnosis, which combines addiction treatment with mental health therapies. Clare Pooley intertwines personal victories, research, and answers to FAQs about quitting alcohol in her memoir, The Sober Diaries. In a light-hearted manner, Pooley addresses the culture that supports alcohol abuse and describes her journey to sobriety.

The good news is that regardless of the “root causes” of alcoholism, anyone with this disorder can decide to take control of their biochemistry, psychology, social influences, and spiritual development. It is a disorder that can be permanently resolved using the Bio-Psycho-Social-Spiritual model of recovery. I read this book before I became a personal trainer, and it brought my physique to the next level. It also contains more useful information than any official personal training textbook I’ve read.

The Sober Diaries by Clare Pooley

Learning about addiction can be very helpful, and it can help the reader look at things through a different lens. With that being said, many books are great reads, including Alcoholics Anonymous, which is not a self-help book but rather a textbook of insight and suggestion. None of the suggestions are to correct the problem without help and a solution from someone other than yourself. With incredible wit and skill, Sacha Scobie manages to tell you both what alcohol used to mean for her and how her sober life is going now. She relied on alcohol, so now that this is no longer an option she has to re-evaluate everything in her life, which leads to some great and very witty observations on her newfound life.

  • Of all his books, In The Realm of Hungry Ghosts is one of his best.
  • Along with the action, there are some deeper issues delved into, including religious fanaticism and racism.
  • Through our integrated treatment programs, we've helped thousands of people choose recovery over addiction and get back to life on their own terms.
  • One of the most gifted and poetic writers of all time, Pursuit draws the reader into an even more intimate relationship with God than ever before.
  • Julia Ross is a pioneer of nutrient therapy, and this book explains how basic nutrients can be used with great success to cure a number of mental health issues.

Recovery from a drug or alcohol addiction is a lifelong process that requires making healthy choices every day. Achieving lasting sobriety takes vigilance, commitment, and motivation. In times of discouragement, it can feel especially helpful to hear the stories of others who are in recovery. best alcohol recovery books To that end, we offer below a selection of books written about addiction and recovery that can be sources of inspiration. I come from a family of “functional” alcoholics, where feelings were never discussed and drinking was the way to solve (or more likely avoid or cause) problems.

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Through our dual diagnosis program, we address any addiction-related issues in tandem with mental health. This way, each disorder can be analyzed separately as well as together, and an understanding of their relationship can be determined. The Lost Weekend - directed by Billy Wilder as an all-time classic Oscar and Cannes winning film, starring Ray Milland in his most famous role - is one of the most important books ever written about addiction. No novelist had ever so honestly, and vividly, described the torments, tricks and temptations of an alcoholic. In the character of writer Don Birnam, Charles Jackson both exposed his own struggle with the bottle, and eloquently expressed the demons faced by millions of others, anonymous or known.

best alcohol recovery books

From the list on getting people thinking about the bigger picture. The Tenant of Wildfell Hall resists the age-old myth that a woman can change a man (or vice-versa). From the list on seeking to unravel dysfunctional family cycles. Annie Grace presents the psychological and neurological components of alcohol use based on the latest science and reveals the cultural, social, and industry factors that support alcohol dependence.... The information on this website is not intended to be a substitute for, or to be relied upon as, medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

A Must Read for anyone curious about our relationship with alcohol

This is a raw memoir that makes you feel like you’re there with the writer, through all her shame, all her hiding, and all her self-accusations of being a terrible mother because of her drinking. Her struggle is beautifully portrayed, and you also get to emerge with her on the other side once she regains her sobriety once more. There’s a new kind of thinking in the recovery world, and all of that is thanks to McKowen’s upcoming memoir (released on January 7, 2020). After quitting her career in order to dedicate more of her time to her family, Clare Pooley found herself depressed and feeling sluggish with a daily drinking habit to keep her company. She often wondered if she was an alcoholic but was afraid of the answer. If you’ve wondered what it would be like to live your life sober, this book is for you.

  • I spent over a decade wanting to address my relationship with alcohol and attempting moderation.
  • "When Holly found an alternate way out of her own addiction, she felt a calling to create a sober community with resources for anyone questioning their relationship with drinking, so that they might find their way as well.
  • He even went on Oprah and apologized for making some of the story up.

She’s an iconic, witty literary voice, an engrossing storyteller, and this book too is a great study in memoir. By the time I found this book, I already knew from experience that supplements can repair your brain after you quit drinking. Her masterpiece provided me with a wealth of new information and a blueprint for further supplementation.

Lush: A Memoir by Kerry Cohen Hoffmann

The book shows that anyone can become addicted to drugs or alcohol. She thought the normal people who could drink casually were lucky. She wasn’t self-medicating and was able to truly feel her feelings and live honestly.

best alcohol recovery books