Teamwork reminds partners they have access to assets like banners and email templates through PartnerStack’s resource center, making it easy for new partners to start making sales sooner than later. Create a bonus or commission-boosting incentive scheme that offers affiliates the chance to generate conversions within the first 30 days of joining your program or so. This blog will help you simplify the procedure of onboarding new affiliates and the 5 best features for affiliate onboarding for your business. Nurture and grow your business with customer relationship management software. Employee orientation is a one-time event that welcomes new individuals to your company. In contrast, onboarding refers to all the events, training, and resources you use to get new hires up to speed on your company and their positions.

While your newly onboarded affiliates may possess the skills to create content for their target audience, they will rely on promotional materials from you to effectively promote your products or services. Making company-branded materials readily available to affiliates from the start offers two significant advantages. Firstly, it enables affiliates to commence product promotion immediately.

Triggers are "if-this-then-that" style workflows that help automate your partner program, and works similarly to many marketing automation platforms you might have used already. It’s crucial to analyze the performance of your affiliate program and find areas that need improvement. Post-Sign-up, an affiliate will get a welcome email with their referral link and temporary password.

Either go with one of the software solutions readily available on the market or build your own in-house software. An affiliate program is a company’s initiative for performance-based marketing. In this model, the partners, or so-called affiliates, get rewarded for each customer they bring in. Spend time creating affiliate communications channels and materials that will eventually be helpful to create a great affiliate onboarding experience. While creating a dedicated review website, such as OutdoorGearLab, is a popular approach, you can also do affiliate marketing on social media platforms like Instagram. You may find that one channel is more appropriate for your affiliate marketing goals than others, or that a multi-channel or omnichannel marketing approach is best.

Ecosystem resources in your back pocket

Whether you’re recruiting experienced affiliates or marketers who just started as an affiliate, give them thorough instructions on how your program works. It is also possible to segment your affiliates by the type of activities they do. For example, if you have an affiliate program in the health niche, you might want to split between marketers and health professionals.

On the high end of the spectrum, ZipRecruiter lists the average salary for an affiliate marketer in the United States at $154,983 [3]. On the lower end, Payscale says the average annual income for an affiliate marketer is $54,175 [4]. Glassdoor, meanwhile, puts the average affiliate marketer's salary somewhere in the middle at $66,897 [5]. Walking newbies into their first transactions also allows you to identify and correct any faults with their sales tactics, resulting in more extraordinary future results. While it may take time to have this interactive, the early energy might pay off in the long run.

Remember, as the business owner, you possess the deepest understanding of your company’s operations. Leverage this knowledge to offer your affiliates a personalized onboarding experience that caters to their specific requirements and circumstances. When done manually, the affiliate onboarding process can be tedious, but with Trackdesk, you can easily streamline the entire process for you and your new affiliates. Communicate regularly with affiliates and provide detailed feedback on your work; ask them also to voice all the pros and cons of your marketing program. You are not interested in your partners going bankrupt and stopping working with you.

  • In general, you don’t want to offer a commission rate much lower than that of similar programs in your niche.
  • Partners will be inspired to promote your company’s products rather than look for a different partnership offer with another company.
  • After the affiliate is approved, you want to wish them a warm welcome to the program.
  • You can think of resellers as official distributors of products or services provided by other companies.
  • Through mentors, new hires can learn from past experiences and contribute to organizational growth.

It’s really important you go through this process to make sure everything is set up correctly and that there are no gaps or confusion points for affiliates. Learners are advised to conduct additional research to ensure that courses and other credentials pursued meet their personal, professional, and financial goals. For instance, you might find that a combination of timely email blasts and SEO content will improve your marketing efforts more than either one on its own. You want to build an online audience and create unique content that engages them.

What is an Affiliate Onboarding Checklist?

Both parties will benefit from bringing their shared resources and knowledge, and neither party will take on the sole burden of the risk. The media industry is evolving and an investment in B2B commerce could be the next big revenue opportunity. You may also create customized email triggers with different messages and set them up for various events. Additionally, this is a perfect opportunity to let affiliates choose whether or not they want to meet you individually.

On top of this, you don’t have to pay a middle man’s fee to the network, and you’re not dependent on a third-party platform to grow your affiliate activities. Besides running an in-house affiliate program yourself, you can hire an expert affiliate marketing agency to do it for you. This is a good option if you don’t have the expertise and resources in your own team.Still not sure whether you should start an in-house affiliate program or work with a network? Partner onboarding is one of the most crucial steps in the partner journey. If you don’t do the work to help partners succeed from day one, they’re likely to never make a sale.

Having an army of skilled marketers to help sell your brand can have an enormous impact on your internet presence. New audiences will hear about your brand, and you will get organic traffic from multiple new sources. One of the most critical stages of the customer purchase funnel is the action stage.The customer has gathered enough information to decide to buy the product.

An NPS survey or “Net Promoter Score” survey is designed to check how satisfied your customers are with your products and if they are willing to recommend them to others. Most affiliate programs gain the majority of their sales from only 10% to 20% of their affiliates. This means that, in some ways, recruiting the right affiliates is a numbers game. Compare multiple reward models of affiliate programs in your niche to decide what would be a fair and attractive commission model. Whether you have a SaaS company or are active in e-commerce, an in-house affiliate program can boost your sales. The affiliate builds up an email list through websites or social channels.

Affiliate onboarding refers to the process of integrating and familiarizing new affiliates into an affiliate program. It involves providing them with the necessary resources, information, and support to effectively promote the products or services of a company. The onboarding process is highly important if you desire your affiliate programme to grow. Affiliate revenue is the aim of the game, and this can be achieved by increasing the amount of affiliates promoting your brand – this comes from a positive experience.